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flying squirrel

См. также в других словарях:

  • Flying squirrel — Flying Fly ing, a. [From {Fly}, v. i.] Moving in the air with, or as with, wings; moving lightly or rapidly; intended for rapid movement. [1913 Webster] {Flying army} (Mil.) a body of cavalry and infantry, kept in motion, to cover its own… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flying squirrel — Flying Fly ing, a. [From {Fly}, v. i.] Moving in the air with, or as with, wings; moving lightly or rapidly; intended for rapid movement. [1913 Webster] {Flying army} (Mil.) a body of cavalry and infantry, kept in motion, to cover its own… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flying squirrel — Squirrel Squir rel (skw[ e]r r[e^]l or skw[i^]r ; 277), n. [OE. squirel, OF. esquirel, escurel, F. [ e]cureuil, LL. squirelus, squirolus, scuriolus, dim. of L. sciurus, Gr. si oyros; skia shade + o yra tail. Cf. {Shine}, v. i.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flying squirrel — Fly ing squir rel (? or ?). (Zo[ o]l.) One of a group of squirrels, of the genus {Glaucomys} (formerly {Pteromus} and {Sciuropterus} [1913 Webster]), especially {Glaucomys volans} and {Glaucomys sabrinus}, having parachute like folds of skin… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flying squirrel — ☆ flying squirrel n. 1. any of a number of squirrels (esp. genus Glaucomys) with winglike folds of skin attached to the legs and body, which enable them to make long, gliding leaps 2. FLYING PHALANGER …   English World dictionary

  • Flying squirrel — Taxobox name =flying squirrels fossil range = Early Oligocene Recent image width = 250px image caption = Northern flying squirrel ( Glaucomys sabrinus ) regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata subphylum = Vertebrata classis = Mammalia ordo = Rodentia …   Wikipedia

  • flying squirrel — any of various nocturnal tree squirrels, as Glaucomys volans, of the eastern U.S., having folds of skin connecting the fore and hind legs, permitting long, gliding leaps. [1605 15] * * * Any member of two distinct groups of rodents that are able… …   Universalium

  • flying squirrel typhus — flying squirrel–associated typhus an acute infectious disease occurring in the southeastern United States, particularly during the winter months, caused by Rickettsia prowazekii, which is transmitted to humans by the fleas and lice of the… …   Medical dictionary

  • flying squirrel — squirrel that can glide through the air due to winglike folds of skin between its front and hind legs …   English contemporary dictionary

  • flying squirrel — noun nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute like folds of skin along the sides of the body • Syn: ↑flying phalanger, ↑flying opossum • Hypernyms: ↑phalanger, ↑opossum, ↑possum • Hyponyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • flying squirrel — noun a squirrel that has skin joining the fore and hindlimbs for gliding from tree to tree. [Many species, chiefly in subfamily Pteromyinae.] …   English new terms dictionary

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